Statement of Policy

Atlanta Land Corporation (ALC) is committed to protect and respect your personal data privacy and comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

We notify individuals through a Personal Information Collection Statement whenever we collect personal data from them when they visit our showrooms, project model units, project sites and events; access or use our websites, social media accounts, digital platforms; interact with our agents, employees through mail, email, phone, chat services; purchase our products and join the activities and events we organize; apply for employment; or make inquiries, complaints, requests or any other forms of interactions where participants’ personal data is collected.

Privacy notice for processing inquiries, requests, applications, sales and other transactions

Personal Data Collected

ALC collects the following personal information from you when you manually or electronically submit to us your inquiries or requests:

  • Name

  • Contact information

  • Email address

  • Other necessary information

  • Information about your visit and use of our websites, and other digital platforms

ALC uses website analytics tools and cookies to analyze the web traffic data. Data generated is not shared with any other party. The following web traffic data are analyzed:

  • Your IP address

  • The search terms you used

  • The pages and internal links accessed on our site

  • The date and time you visited the site

  • Geolocation

  • The referring site or platform (if any) through which you clicked through to this site

  • Your operating system

  • Web browser type


The collected personal information is utilized solely for documentation and processing purposes within ALC and is not shared with any outside parties.

Information Protection

Only authorized ALC personnel has access to these personal information, the exchange of which will be facilitated through email and hard copy.

Access, Update or Correction

You may ask us to:

  • Provide you with any personal information we hold about you;

  • Update or correct the information you have provided, if you think it is outdated, inaccurate or wrong.

  • Not to process your personal information

To do so, as well as for any comments, questions, complaints or requests relating to this Personal Data Statement you may get in touch with us through, or approach any of our employees when you visit our offices or attend our activities and events.

Updates to the privacy statement

ALC reserves the right to update this Privacy Statement anytime as it deem fit, proper or necessary to apply changes to improve it in part or entirely, in compliance with new laws and regulation affecting the data privacy act, changes in our business operations and environment. The public shall be notified accordingly in our official website.